Unscrambling Machine

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Model : BUD 3400

Unscrambling machine

Application :

For putting in line bulk plastic (PET,Polyethylene …) bottles for beverage , youghurt drink , mineral water , vegetable oil etc … packing line .

Specifications :

– The machine has a bottle feeding elevator with a hopper and discharge chute .

– In lined bottles are transfered to the next machine with air conveyor .

– The machine has two separate rotors , which are mounted pockets on both rotors .

– The main tank and feeding elevator and in general all the parts that are in contact with the container as well as the machine cladding is made of stainless steel 304 .

Power Consumption Air Consumption Output ( c /h ) Container
volume (ml)
Height (mm)
Container Diameter (mm)
 Kw6  NL/min 3000 20000-8000 1500-250 120-330 50-104